Insurance for booth/show
Exhibitors must have their own liability insurance covering a minimum of $1 million in damages. Please list Cocktail International Group Inc. as “additional insured”.
Transportation Insurance
Show Management is NOT responsible for damages caused during the transportation of your products. We strongly
recommend purchasing transportation insurance when booking your shipments.
Exhibitors will be liable for, will indemnify, and will hold harmless Show Management from any loss or damage whatsoeveroccurring to, or suffered by, any person or company. This includes, without limiting the generality of the foregoing,
exhibitor, other exhibitors, management, the owners of the building and theirrespective agents, servants and employees,and members of the public attending the show, either (a) on the said space or (b) elsewhere. Neither the facility nor Show
Management will be responsible for loss or damage to persons, exhibits, or decorations by fire, accident, theft, or any causewhile in the exhibition buildings.

Booth Display & Restrictions
- Diagram#1 shows the drapes that are provided as a part of your booth cost.
- Diagram#2 shows the allowed clearance for displays, banners and products within your booth.
- No exhibit may exceed a maximum height of 8 ft.
- Side panels 8 ft. high, must not exceed a depth of 4 ft. extending from the back of the display.
- The remainder of the 6 ft depth from the front of the booth must not exceed a 4 ft. height.
- Any exceptions to this must have pre-approval from Minahil Moaziz (
Prefab booth partitions must be finished on both sides. If they are not, please request drapes prior to the show.
Carpet or Flooring
Carpet is provided within your booth space. If you would like to change the colour, you may order different flooring
through our decorator at your own cost or you may bring your own. *Please be sure to review the Tape Restrictions below.
Tape (Floor, Wall, and Carpet Damage)
This only applies to companies that choose to place carpet or flooring on top of the existing carpet.
It is important that you use the proper carpet tape in your booth. If you do not use the correct tape there will be a chargefor tape removal.
Here are the models of two-faced tapes that are authorized by the facility.
- Polyken 105c LPDE
- Scapa 274004
- DC W002A
If you bring your own carpet, you must adhere to the above Tape Restrictions. If you do not have the proper tape, pleasenotify Show Management before installing your carpet or tiles.
If you would like to install your carpet on top of the existing carpet, please contact Minahil Moaziz (
Restrictions for Booth Installation
Painting, nailing, drilling, or screwing to the floors, walls or any other part of the building is not permitted. Exhibitors arealso responsible for oil, grease, or any general damage to the carpeted area. Exhibitors wishing to lay any floor coverings
may not fasten the coverings to the building floor. It is suggested that building paper or the approved tape (Polyken 105cLPDE OR Scapa 274004 OR DC W002A) is used instead.
Displays, demonstrations or distribution of advertising materials, are not permitted outside the confines of your booth. Ifaudio visual equipment is used, the sound must be subdued to such an extent as to ensure it’s having no nuisance effect on
neighbouring exhibitors. The use of microphones is not permitted without prior management approval.
Fire Regulations
All exhibitors planning to use any type of fuel (such as gas, oil, helium gas, or propane) in their exhibits are requested tocontact Show Management. All displays or exhibited materials must be fireproof to conform to Federal, Provincial, and City
Fire Laws.
Cocktail international is obligated to abide by the Fire Code regulations in each city. We therefore retain the rightto refuse any material or object that does not confirm to code. If you have a question or need information of the Fire Codeplease contact Minahil Moaziz (
Animals in the Show
The facility’s policy prohibits the presence of animals unless they are used as a working dog for the blind. Permission mustbe obtained from the facility for any exception. Please contact Minahil Moaziz ( the necessary forms.
Helium Balloons
Helium balloons are prohibited in most venues. There is a large retrieval fee, charged to the exhibitor, when balloons arelost. Please contact Minahil Moaziz ( if you wish to use helium balloons in your display.
Mechanical Conveyances
Mechanical Conveyances such as electric carts, scooters, or bicycles will not be allowed in the aisles during the show hours.The only exceptions to this rule will be in the case of handicapped persons visiting the show, or those with authorization
from Show Management.
Cocktail international reserves the right to make changes, amendments, and additions to the rules and regulationswithout notice, as considered necessary to the efficient and proper conduct of the show. Interpretation of these rules and
regulations shall rest with Show Management and non-compliance can result in ejection of the offending exhibitor or in the closing of his/her exhibit.
The following precautions and regulations have been put in place to ensure the health and safety of all Exhibitors, Staff andVisitors to the show. We are confident in our plans in working with the Mississauga Convention Center and all suppliers
to ensure a safe and successful show.
- Exhibitors will be given a link to a Badge Request form prior to the show and will be asked to provide an emailaddress for each staff member working the booth throughout the weekend. This information will be used solely for
the purpose of contact tracing, should it be required. Please refer to the “Exhibitor Badges” section in the manualfor more information. - Sanitizing stations will be added at every entrance and exit point, as well as scattered around the hall, along withincreased signage to promote safe hand hygiene at the show.
- Staff and security will be monitoring the show entrance and show floor to ensure physical distance guidelines areadhered to.
- Tickets will be sold exclusively online
- If an exhibitor is experiencing any flu-like or cold symptoms, including fever, coughing, sneezing, sore throator shortness of breath, they are required to stay home.
For more details, please contact Minahil Moaziz (